A collection of new work by contemporary ceramicists and glass artists.
Ceramics - click images to enlarge
Chun glaze over embossed lettering
H 45 x D 49 cm
Embossed poem based off ‘Community Of The Spirit’ by Rumi:
Drink all your passion
and be a disgrace.
Close both eyes
to see with the other eye.
Open your hands
if you want to be held.
Close your mouth
to taste the lovers mouth in yours.
Flow down and down in always
widening rings of being.
Ref. RP-SOH-01
£10,000 + ARR
Blue/grey glaze
H 15 – 18 x D 47 – 49 cm
Embossed poem based off Rumi’s work. While it does not match any specific poem from his collection, it encapsulates the spirit of Rumi’s mysticism, particularly his ideas about the soul’s union with the Beloved, the concept of annihilation in the divine presence, and the paradoxical beauty of emptiness and existence:
In the existence of your love I become non existent
this non existence I [l]in[k]ed to you is better than all existence
I saw you and became empty
this e[m]ptiness [,] more beautiful than existence [,] dissolves existence
and yet when I I comes existence thrives
Ref. RP-SOH-02
£9,000 + ARR
Cream matt glaze with embossed lettering
H 9 x D 34 cm
Embossed poem based off ‘Every Time I Open My Eyes’ by Rupert Spira:
Every time I open my eyes I invite the world to take shape and every time the world takes shape I am invited to open my eyes
and see the world raw and naked holding out its hand calling me into itself where I am taken into the transparency of things and find myself transparent there
stand[ing on] the edge looking down and in to the dark silent pool in which the world is cradled and [I am] cradled the[re] held with all things and hold all things in myself
myself not a thing in the world but this here seeing here seeing in which the world opens inviting and offering itself
and every time [it is seen] it dies and in dying holds out is hand again asking to be taken in
and every time I take it in I to[o] die and in dying become this here seeing every time I open my eyes
I every time I open my eyes I invite the world to take shape and every ti[m]e the world takes shape I am invited to open my eyes and see the world raw and naken [naked].
Ref. RS-SOH-03
£3,500 + ARR
Furniture - click images to enlarge
Glass - click images to enlarge
Ref:SD-SOH-2401 H 25 x W 5.5 cm Sold
Ref:SD-SOH-2402 H 19 x W 6.5 cm Sold
Ref:SD-SOH-2403 H 21.5 x W 5.8 cm Sold
Ref: SD-SOH-2404 H 22.5 x W 7.5 cm Sold
Ref: SD-J-2405 H 25.2 x D 5.2 cm Sold
Ref: SD-J-2406 H 21.4 x D 5.5 cm Sold
Cast glass, lost ice process, with salt erosion
H 54 x W 35 x D 9 cm
Ref. JH-PM-2403
Eternity in an Hour (from William Blake’s poem) >
H 37.1 x W 57.1 x D 7 cm
Ref. GWW-PM-2301